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Should My Child Take Up A Maths In Secondary Three?

For Express students, the end of Secondary 2 places them at a crossroads in their education journey. Here is the moment when they have to decide on their subject combination as they graduate to Secondary 3. This decision is vital, as their performances in the subjects they take affect their chances of enrolling in their dream tertiary education programme.

One of the more advanced subjects students have to choose as part of their Upper Secondary syllabus is Additional Mathematics (A Maths). However, this subject is elective and not mandatory. As such, some students and, by extension, their parents may wonder if it is worth taking up Secondary 3 A Maths due to its reputation as a challenging subject. If you and your child are facing this dilemma, let us share why your child might want to consider taking A Maths.

Reason #1: A Maths boosts your child’s critical thinking skills

A Maths boosts your child’s critical thinking skills-Additional Maths tuition Singapore

Students studying Secondary 3 A Maths are encouraged to delve deeper into the mechanics and technicalities of Mathematics. The curriculum aims to help students prepare for the more advanced mathematical modules they will encounter in tertiary education. As such, it is designed to encourage students to analyse and apply critical thinking to the maths concepts taught in class.

By learning to tackle and solve these mathematical problems, your child can learn to become a better critical thinker. Consequently, they also feel more confident dealing with matters involving numbers and logic in the future. You will be hard-pressed to find a career path where arithmetic and critical thinking skills will not benefit your child. In fact, critical thinking skills are higly regarded by many employers in Singapore.

Reason #2: A Maths prepares your child for H1 and H2 Maths

A Maths prepares your child for H1 and H2 Maths-Additional Maths tuition Singapore

Does your child plan on furthering their studies in a Junior College (JC) after their O-levels? In that case, A Maths is a must for them, as many of the mathematical concepts found in the A Maths syllabus are fundamental to understanding JC maths. While students do not require prior experience with A Maths to take H1 Maths, those familiar with A Maths have an advantage over those who do not take the subject. And if your child plans on taking H2 Maths, they will require at least a pass in their O-level A Maths. 

However, the choice to take A Maths does not only affect the subjects your child takes in JC. It can also impact their university admission. Those pursuing a degree in Physics, Mathematics, or Engineering are often required to take up H2 Maths in JC. So if your child has ever expressed an interest in these courses, they must take A Maths to qualify for H2 Maths. If they are struggling to cope, you can consider enrolling them in Additional Maths tuition classes to help them brush up on the subject.

Reason #3: A Maths is mandatory if your child wants to pursue a diploma in Physics, Mathematics, or Engineering

A Maths is mandatory if your child wants to pursue a diploma in Physics Mathematics or Engineering-Additional Maths tuition Singapore

Even if your child prefers furthering their studies at a Polytechnic rather than a JC, they could still benefit from learning A Maths. After all, students who want to pursue specific diplomas in Physics, Engineering, or Mathematics must pass their O-level A Maths at the minimum to qualify for the programme. 

Again, if your child has dreamt of enrolling in these courses, they will need to take and pass A Maths to enrol in these diploma programmes. However, if maths is not their strong suit, enlisting them in a reliable O-level A Maths tuition programme can enhance their chances of realising their ambition.

Reason #4: A Maths can improve your child’s O-level score

A Maths can improve your childs O-level score-O-level A Math tuition

Your child must include one maths subject when calculating their L1R4 or L1R5 score – emphasis on the word “one”. So if your child performs better for their A Maths, they can choose to add their A Maths score in their point calculations. Hence, leading to an improvement in their aggregate O-level score. As a result, they have better options available when choosing their tertiary education path.

Learn More: 5 Study Tips To Help Your Child Ace Their A Maths Exams

As you can see, there are plenty of benefits to taking A Maths in Secondary 3. But at the end of the day, the decision should rest with your child. While we understand wanting the best arrangement for your child, you should discuss the options with them and let them make the final choice. After all, they are the ones studying the subject.

Regardless of your child’s decision, it is vital for you to show your support as a parent. If they choose to study A Maths, you can help ensure they pick up the subject quicker by enrolling them in Additional Maths tuition classes in Singapore.

At Studious Minds, our tutors have extensive experience guiding various students to excel in their A Maths exams. Do not hesitate to contact us today to enquire about our O-level A Maths tuition classes if you are interested in enrolling your child in our programme.